I found this tool which lets you use Chat GPT from the terminal: https://github.com/TheR1D/shell_gpt

Maybe you’re thinking, “haha, funny trick, but why would I want to do that, are you trying to prove something?”

But I promise you, if you give this a try, you won’t be disappointed.

You can read all about the functionality and configuration in the readme, but here are just some examples:

Basic query:

sgpt “hello chatgpt”

The output is Markdown formatted, so you can pipe it to pandoc:

sgpt “hello chatgpt” pandoc -t plain

As with a session on chat.openai.com, you can use named sessions so that it remembers the context of your chats (by default, it starts a new chat for every query)

sgpt –chat my_chat_name “hello chatgpt”

Using the -s option, it will ensure that a shell command is output, and will give you keyboard shortcuts E (execute), D (describe), or A (abort).

sgpt -s “generate me a 500x500 image of random colors. Use low frequency for the noise so there are larger features. Make sure the output is colored and not black and white”

Which outputs:

convert -size 500x500 xc: +noise Random -virtual-pixel tile -blur 0x10 -auto-level -separate -combine output.png [E]xecute, [D]escribe, [A]bort: e

And, upon executing, produces the image:

You can also pipe command output into sgpt:

cat test.rb

class Foo
  def bar
    puts "ok"
cat test.rb cgpt -s convert this to javascript
Here is the JavaScript equivalent of your Ruby code:

    class Foo {
      bar() {

This code defines a class Foo with a method bar that logs the string
“ok” to the console.

I have also set up some shortcuts for these commands. I use fish shell, but these could probably be converted to bash without much difficulty (Chat GPT might help?)

The cn function can called either by itself to start a new named chat (with a random name), or with a provided name argument. In either case, the name will saved to an environment variable so you don’t have to continually enter it for subsequent commands:

function cn
  echo "previous chat name: $SGPT_CHAT_NAME"
  set -l _sgpt_chat_name (LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | fold -w 20 | head -n 1)
  if set -q argv[1]
    set _sgpt_chat_name $argv[1]

  set -gx SGPT_CHAT_NAME $_sgpt_chat_name
  echo "new chat name: $SGPT_CHAT_NAME"

Example usage:

# => previous chat name: qQ76mbHQKOubmMO1VxIk
# => new chat name: XV6MdnDbp0fOUXZVdV83

cn my_new_chat_name
# => previous chat name: XV6MdnDbp0fOUXZVdV83
# => new chat name: my_named_chat

The c function is a wrapper for sgpt --chat but uses the saved chat name (or generates a new one, if one isn’t available), and pipes the output to pandoc. You will need to escape double quotes and some other special characters in the query string.

function c
 if not set -q SGPT_CHAT_NAME
    set -gx SGPT_CHAT_NAME (LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | fold -w 20 | head -n 1)
  sgpt --chat $SGPT_CHAT_NAME "$argv" | pandoc -t plain

Example usage:

# Note you have to escape question mark
c what color is the mix of red and green\?

cat file.json | c do some analysis on this file

And finally, the cs function which is basically the same as c but uses the - s flag and doesn’t pipe the output to pandoc:

function cs
 if not set -q SGPT_CHAT_NAME
    set -gx SGPT_CHAT_NAME (LC_ALL=C tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | fold -$
  sgpt -s --chat $SGPT_CHAT_NAME "$argv"